Monday, July 7, 2008

Eddie Curry Does Not Have Cancer

This is to any family members of our giant cyst. Your beloved fatboy does not have the c-word. Unfortunately for myself and other fellow fans of the New York Knicks, he IS the c-word. I have nothing against Eddie Curry as a person, but the fact is, he was euro-soft before it became an NBA fad. He's the epitome of potential trapped in tragedy. Eddie Curry is....the New York Knicks.

This blog has been inspired by, if you have the time, I highly suggest you get yourself familiar with Mr.Duhon (The Du, if you will). Welcome to NY, enjoy, I hear the wine flows freely.

Throughout this year, I will attempt to give updates on your New York Knickerbockers and our favorite Bad News Bears. I'll also attempt to get more in touch with today's internet and start doing fancy stuff like linking (like right there, I would have a secret picture of Starks nuts on Grants face hiding under "linking"...some day.)

So sit back and enjoy Eddie Curry's Cancer (blog) Spot, no chemo will cure us.

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